When the British finally conquered the Kandian Kingdom (the last part of Sri Lanka to be conquered), they outlawed the practice of angampora. Anyone caught teaching or practicing was shot in the kneecap, so the art had to be continued in secret, mostly along family lines. Only recently has it re-emerged, and I've found a couple of teachers that I can learn from.
I'll be spending part of my time in the village of Dewalegama, and part of my time staying just outside of Columbo and commuting in, as long as safety permits. I'll be checking regularly with the embassy on that one, and my program director and everyone at ISLE has contacts all over the place, and they have a careful eye on the situation, so...yeah. I should be fine. I don't want to get intimidated by the situation here. I'll keep a very careful eye on the situation, and be hyper-vigilant and aware of my surroundings. But...you have to live life. As I was telling Ben (my brother), if you're born and you're alive, you run the distinct risk of dying someday. But that doesn't stop you from living. Even if you had a choice of whether or not to be born, I hope you would choose to. Just so, you need to live life to the fullest, as long as you're not a damn fool and do something completely reckless for little gain. Anyway: Pictures! (from the cultural triangle tour)
This is why we didn't go all the way up to the lion's paws in Siigiria. About 20 German tourists were up there singing at the top of their lungs. Nice sign though, no?
Ok, I can handle the lizard in the bathroom. Just keep out the cockroaches. I like the study topic, and hope you can demonstrate/ tell meabout the SL marital art. Sounds like you have wits in place and resources for safety, so good! You get to choose your risks. there is a saying that those who do not risk do not learn, or love, or live.
Hey buddy,
Yes, be safe! Please give my kindest and warmest regards to our new family there, with a mother's gratitude for their care of you. I like lizards (of any size) much better than spiders and beetles and cockroaches...eeeuu!
By the way, do you know Mennekina? I am likely not spelling it right, it is the village we stayed in for a month or two, outside of Kandy.
I love you!--Mom
If you bring back a monitor lizard, can you smuggle a second one in for me?
Probably safer to keep than a full-on Komodo Dragon, but fairly similar in appearance. Also, the sign is sweet.
Take care, and don't get injured in the pursuit of esoteric martial arts.
Stupid german tourists. I hope the hornets ate them.
Also, please please don't get shot in the kneecap. I think that'd upset us all greatly.
And I think Max may be bringing the voodoo staff to all of his classes. I'm in charge of the facepaint. This'll be an interesting day.
You are sorely missed.
Hey, apparently I can't log into my blog again. I'm going to try getting around it by posting a comment and logging in there.
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