Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Today's post! Not old!

Today I skipped Buddhism (which I’m auiditing) so I can use the internet and update things. I’ve been super busy, and I don’t know when I the next opportunity will arise, so I figured now’s a good time. Tomorrow, we go to Nilambe for a meditation…thing. They’ll teach us how to meditate, have a discussion with us, and we’ll have lunch with them (the monks there). After that on Saturday, I’m going to Anuradapura again, this time with my family to do a hike. Sunday, I have to really buckle down and write my material culture paper. It’s due Monday and I haven’t started it yet. Busy busy busy.

1 comment:

Bolendz said...

You are an incredible writer, and with your words I am there observing, questioning, learning...almost. You bring back my own memories of that beautiful country, though you are more intimate with its people. It fills me that you are diving in and making the most of this opportunity. I'm also happy that you are not being driven about at night, and that your Amma and Apaji (sp?) are so vigilant with your safety. How I miss you, how happy I am you are there! By the way, the living room wall is big, and empty, and awaits art. much love, Mom